Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Anyone had any positive health experiences from taking organic apple cider vinegar or organic blackstrap molasses? Just started taking this stuff, primarily because I'd read a little about it on while I was searching for stuff to make it possible to get through "that time of the month" without taking the frickin' pill. So far, I'm digging on how I feel, and I've only been taking both for less than a week. I'm taking the molasses in a tablespoon plain (which I can tolerate), and I'm taking the ACV twice a day, a teaspoon at a time, in a glass of cold iced tea, which I'm acclimating to.


  1. I've heard about the blackstrap, but haven't had any experience with it. However, I did a number on my back Fri. and tried some home-grown medicinal with a vaporizer and it worked. Least I leave the impression this is a regular thing, no it's not. I tried this back in the '60's and thought it was a waste.
    This is not your '60's stuff. I'm not predisposed to any of this but desperate times call for desperate measures and I was desperate and have some....helpful friends.

  2. I believe legalization is a good idea. It would save alot of tax dollars and would probably improve the economy. There are millions of people suffering various ailments who could glean benefit from its use, and the negative side effects are arguably less than many FDA-approved pharmaceuticals.

  3. Isn't THAT the truth. As I'm aging I'm watching my friends and cohorts amassing pharmaceuticals in epic proportunes. No c'mon, we can't ALL be falling apart THIS quickly. My bitch is with the "designer" drugs: The ones for high triglicerides and those of similar ilk. Look, I'm all about health, but I'm just not into this whole "better living through science" stuff.
    Our parents wouldn't have a clue about their cholesterol levels: They ate tons of red meat, loaded on the butter and drank whole milk. The point is, 6 mo. down the road my friends aren't feeling too great... and can't figure out why the quality of their life is suffering. It takes TIME for these side effects to accumulate and the more drugs you add to the mix the harder it is to figure out what's causing what. Of course I have no problem with BP meds (although they can cause all kinds of subtle side effects, again over time) or heart meds, diabetes meds if diet/exercise isn't cutting it. I don't watch TV much but I have a friend who watches throughout the day (and night) and has a positively APPALLING cache of pharmaceuticals. (This is the "VA WAY" of "addressing...problems.") He remarked, "They scare the shit out of you-if you don't take this drug you're gonna die." So I stopped by one day at his home for a quick visit and of course, the TV was on and blaring. Yee Gawds! He's RIGHT!
    So how's the blackstrap and vinegar workin'? If it is, maybe you can get DH on board-tell him he's "easier" to live with if he was taking them as well! ;)

    1. Those cholesterol meds almost killed me. My blood needs some fat to be happy, apparently.

      For the monthly blahs, fish oil supplements and Evening Primrose Oil helped me a great deal. You can get em online via

      Next month will be 1 whole year since my last monthly, and then I will be officially past menopause. YAY!

  4. It's been about three months since I started the blackstrap, and this may be a coincidence, but my cycles now go about 30 days as opposed to the 24ish I was going through. Still heavy, but only lasting about four days, as opposed to six or seven. The vinegar I take with iced tea (whenever I remember to take it, which is usually a couple of times a week), and while I haven't really noticed any improvement in myself in any way, I'm getting accustomed to the taste. Maybe in the long run I'll look back and see something I'm not seeing now. But, man, if the blackstrap is what's helping my monthly problems, what a great thing. The extra iron, potassium, and calcium have got to be good for me anyhow.

  5. Yeah, I've noticed as well it takes at least a month for any kind of supplement (even vitamins) to start to kick in. You must have felt exhausted with these 24 day cycles and heavy, lasting so long.
    Many thanks for the update. I have a few friends who I'll recommend this to-they're getting desperate and exhausted as well. They'll surely try the blackstrap.
    And since I'm a bona-fide "not nagger" type (Psychob was a non-stop NAG, Nag, Nag) I'm not gonna ask about the hair thing. Promise! ;)

    1. Well, I'm scheduled for a "trim" within the week, and I'm torn still. But, a little less torn than I was. I'm keeping an open mind. During the last year, I had a little social experiment that I conducted with myself which involved having a shock of my hair colored purple and pink. I loved it, and I was suprised how little I cared about the people who didn't. Luckily, I wasn't considered offensive at my workplace, and I think some persons saw me as more accessible. I think, longer or shorter, there's gonna be some bright color involved again.

  6. Well, DUH! Just saw this-now you're TALKIN' woman! Let's hear it for some COLOR!!! This is one of those "Do it now or do it never" deals cuz you can't pull this off without looking ridiculous after you start to get "Senior Citizen Discounts" (and didn't even ask for 'em. Or know you were "eligible.")

    1. Well, I'm a little rock and roll. I'd like to think that after I go gray, I might just have REAL blue hair. Like royal blue. Probably not, but I'm leaving the door open a crack.

  7. Oh YEESSS! After all, lots of little old ladies have "blue hair" as a result of some sort of tint stuff the "Beauty Parlor" puts in it along with the perm/tease/spray. Unfortunately, it's not royal blue which I think would be really rockin' but they seem to get upset over tats (the ones they got when they were younger and now, well...) so I don't think they'll do the royal blue which is really too bad. After all, they can wear purple moo-moos, eye glasses with rhinestones and glitter cat sweat shirts so I don't get it. Oh wait-now I do-"What would the PASTOR think?!"
    Please DO leave that door open! Good on you!
    So, did you cut it or are you stickin' with the trims?
